It’s time to look InsideOut at who is really driving the success of your business

Is your company’s marketing strategy targeting its most crucial clientele – your people? Productive, engaged, and caring employees lead to satisfied customers – customers who are more likely to purchase your products and purchase again.

Marketing is your dialogue with the outside world. But who is promoting your company within?


What’s driving change is generational workforce perspectives?

As global business leaders and experienced communicators, Seán Worker and Brian Proctor have come together to create InsideOut – a response to the next mega workforce generational change, where the relationships between the employee and employer are being redefined.

By leveraging key learnings from real world experiences, working with teams around the globe and a passion for creating industry-driven podcasts, videos and workshops inspired this transformative communication solution – that makes it easy for leaders to communicate inside the company to deliver the best outcomes for the business.

86% of employees and executives cite the lack of effective collaboration and communication as the main causes of workplace failures.


What we do

InsideOut creates communication snacks (3-mins); podcasts (14-25 mins); videos (10-mins), and workshops to share your company’s stories, business goals and key priorities, and to acknowledge outstanding work. Together, we partner with your team to develop and produce content to enhance your existing communication strategy.

The result? A stronger cultural connection between your organization and your employees – with trust and transparency fueling a vibrant culture, driven from the InsideOut.

Calling all service industry C-Suite and line managers – we make it efficient and easy to connect with employees.

How we do it

We leverage key learnings from real world experiences, working with teams and a passion for creating impactful communication ‘snacks’, podcasts, videos and ready-camera workshops to deliver a transformative communication solution – that makes it easy for leaders to communicate more effectively inside their company.

The Inside-Out pantry has all the ingredients to make it easy to share your business strategy and deliver authentic content, that makes it clear that you really care for your on-site and working-from-home employees.

Communications snack anyone?

Engagement improves by over 33% when the CEO communicates with employees frequently (at least twice a month)

InsideOut Insights

What’s our story?

As global business leaders and experienced communicators, Seán Worker and Brian Proctor have come together to create InsideOut – a response to the challenge that most Companies are having – delivering relevant communication to the grass root doers that deliver the customer and product experience. We know how difficult it is delivering internal communication in a sustained, authentic way.

Seán and Brian have extensive experience operating businesses across the USA, Europe and the Middle East. We believe that operating a business is like a fruit cake, there are a lot of ingredients and requires a recipe to simply get it right, repeatedly. A business needs to be nourished.

Engage to learn about your workforce and employees via surveys
and other data points to inspire the strategy.

Flexible package choices:



Develop an enhanced internal communication strategy framed by the
ISO 5-Step programme by involving senior, middle management leadership, employees and other InsideOut Experts.

Build a unified internal communication strategy by creating and  producing topic-specific content and programs to deliver desired business outcomes while recognising your amazing employee contributors.

Enabling improved retention, attracting those that add value, inspiring employee engagement and delivering clear business outcomes.

Engaged employees outperform their peers that are not engaged. Companies are 21% more profitable. with high employee engagement
